Together responsible for the environment - 3 mistakes when brushing teeth that most of us make!
It is not without reason that so much has been said about ecology in recent years - it is an inseparable factor influencing our health, well-being and general functioning. Non-ecological behaviors have a destructive effect on all of us, which is why we must take on joint responsibility in this area.
No revolution needed, small changes are enough!
Many of us, when we realize how many activities in our daily lives we do contrary to the general concept of ethics and ecology, decide to revolutionize our approach and limit our participation in the destruction of the environment to an absolute minimum. On the other side of the scale are all those who are convinced that ecology is an irrelevant topic for them, completely disregarding the mark they leave on the environment day after day. Is it right to limit this issue to two extremes? Of course not! The basis of caring for the environment is small steps towards changing behaviors and habits for the better, which in the long run will allow us to limit the negative impact on nature.
Open your eyes in the morning
Small changes in daily habits are, above all, a conscious approach to routine and unavoidable daily activities. Waking up in the morning and heading towards the bathroom for the morning toilet, we can achieve so much with such a small effort.
What should each of us change in our morning routine?
3 mistakes you should eliminate today!
Brushing your teeth with non-organic products
It is obvious that they have a toxic effect on our health, but let's not forget about their contribution to the environment! During production, in addition to the use of huge amounts of water, cosmetic companies emit alarming amounts of CO2! Changing your toothpaste to an ecological product is a good decision.
Too much water when brushing your teeth
Admit it, do you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth? If you still make this mistake, eliminate it quickly, because the environment is suffering before your eyes ;)
Plastic toothbrush and water cup support unethical factories
The same as with non-ecological cleaning products, the same applies to plastic toothbrushes and cups - their production process is unnatural, and after use they go straight to the trash bin, being another element that pollutes the environment. A simple change to products made of bamboo solves the problem, and the comfort of use remains at the same level - try it :)
These 3 simple mistakes, even though they may seem trivial, when reduced by hundreds of thousands of people will help to minimally relieve the burden on the environment.
Do you feel ecologically responsible?